10 health and safety resources for our seniors
I understand why some people are so afraid of aging. When we think about the future, we have to wonder whether we’ll have adequate funds, enough physical strength, and a sharp wit to carry us through our golden years. But I’m not afraid of growing older — I hope I’m lucky enough to do so — and I want others to feel the same way!
The following resources are full of fantastic information to help seniors stay healthy, secure, and happy in this exciting era of their lives.
- Preventing Falls at Home
- Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors | A Home Design Guide
- Exercise & Physical Activity: Your Everyday Guide from the National Institute on Aging
- The Benefits of Cooking with Alzheimer’s: A Caregiver’s Guide
- How to Help Seniors Avoid Social Isolation
- Canine Caregivers for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Patients
- The Quiet Epidemic of Senior Drug Abuse
- The 45 Warning Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse
- A Senior’s Guide to Using Computers and Software
- Economic Security for Seniors Facts